A healthcare crisis unfolds in South Korea as trainee doctors stage a mass walkout, intensifying their protest against a government medical policy. The collective resignations have led to widespread surgery cancellations and disruptions in medical treatments at hospitals across the country.
Government Urges Return to Work: South Korea’s Health Ministry has urged the trainee doctors to return to work immediately, emphasizing the potential threat to patients’ lives due to the escalating protest against the government’s medical policy.
Trainee Doctors’ Resignations: As of Monday night, over half of the 13,000 trainee doctors in South Korea had submitted mass resignations, protesting the government’s decision to increase medical school admissions by 2,000 starting next year. A total of 1,630 trainee doctors have already left their work sites, contributing to the growing healthcare crisis.
Dispute Over Medical School Admissions: The dispute centers around the government’s initiative to address a shortage of doctors, primarily attributed to the fast-aging population. However, many doctors argue that the increase in admissions is excessive and could lead to unnecessary medical treatments due to heightened competition among doctors.
Potential for Prolonged Disruptions: With the majority of trainee doctors working across 100 hospitals in South Korea, the prolonged walkouts, especially if joined by senior doctors, pose a significant threat to the country’s medical services. Observers highlight the potential disruptions and challenges in delivering overall healthcare.
Concerns About Doctor Incomes: While the government emphasizes the need for more doctors to address the aging population, critics argue that existing doctors are primarily concerned about potential income drops with an influx of new doctors into the system.
Appeal to Return to Patients: Vice Health Minister Park Min-soo emphasized that the trainee doctors’ collective action, endangering patients’ lives, cannot be justified. Authorities have received complaints related to the walkouts, including surgery cancellations and refusals to treat patients.
In summary, the mass walkout by South Korean trainee doctors intensifies the healthcare crisis, prompting concerns about surgery cancellations and disruptions in medical services. The dispute with the government over medical school admissions continues, with the urgent need to address the potential impact on patient care.